Do you have a pipe in your house and want to call the service company? Wait, because in this article we are going to teach you how to open a pipe, so put your polo in your pocket and join us in teaching us how to open a pipe.

What you read in this article:

Preventing sewer pipe clogging
Pipe opening methods
Manual opening tube
Chemical opening tube solution
Pipe opener
Pipe opener with air compression device
Spring pipe opening.

learn Installation boilers

Preventing sewer pipe clogging with emergencyplumb

To prevent clogging of the pipe, you can prevent the entry of waste. To do this, it is enough to place a net for the sink to prevent the entry of waste. You can also use the wellbore to prevent sudden objects from entering the well. Before the sewer pipe gets serious and you see the signs of the pipe clogging, pour a little boiling water into the sink sink so that the greasy tissue that sticks to the walls of the pipe and the waste material inside the pipe is washed away. You can also use a strainer or strainer to prevent solids from entering the sewer pipe. Never pour the used oil into the sewer pipe and clean it with a greasy cloth and oil before washing the oil container. It is recommended to use a mask before using the chemical pipe opener solution.

In fact, the above simple methods are a kind of pipe opener for small and minor clogs that do not cause clogging of the pipe, but gradually, these will cause your work to open the pipe.
Pipe opening methods

In general, we will teach you how to open a pipe in several forms, which we will deal with in order and from simple to difficult:

Pipe methods and pipe decay and pipe insulation

Manual opening tube
Manual opening pump (pump) is suitable for weak and superficial clogging. Place the plastic part of the pipe opener on the opening of the pipe so that there is no air outlet. It is better to apply some paraffin around the plastic edge of the manual opening tube and pour a little water on the sink, this will cause the manual opening tube to stick. Now push the handle of the opening tube down and do the same thing several times. During this work, the air inside the pipe opener pump moves towards the pipe and moves the waste materials. In surface clogging, the manual pipe opener responds better than chemical pipe opener materials.

Note that:

During airing, air should not penetrate under the pump
After opening the pipe, pour some water into the pipe so that the extra material in the pipe does not cause clogging again and go into the well.

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